trust your instincts.....


Well-known Member
or pay the price......

Ordered a chainsaw thru ebay 3 weeks or so ago..... Sent the seller a ??? asking if they'd ship to my APO address.... got a reply real quick saying sure thing... and stuff like we's a good christian business and believe in supporting the troops, yadda yadda... we can get that in the mail right away.... and we'll be prayin for ya.......
Should have recognized the red flag but, after my frustration with a stihl dealer, I did a paypal transfer right away...Got a god bless ya email the next day with a tracking number for the package... Hadn't got here, so I went on the USPS site to track it. Number not found..... First email to the seller came back with an I swear to.... that we sent it and here's the tracking number we'll pray you get it soon.... Tracking number showed up as something that was shipped and delivered to the west coast back in January...
Wrote them back and God musta jumped off the train before they responded.... This was a we sent itand it's your problem now and I went from being worthy of prayer and the Lord's assistance in receiving my package to an a$$hole (all in about 24 hours)......

I shoulda caught the typo in the original email where they were tryin to say "prey on ya"....

I'll get it all straightened out and my money back but it just serves as another negative picture of one of my favorite species.........
As a Christian myself I am always leery of those that use Jesus and God in their communications. Please know that Satan corrupts and imitates to decieve people into turning their back to Jesus Christ's free gift of forgivness. I hope and pray that you get your money back. Thank you for your service to our Country, and I always enjoy reading your posts.
I have never been too many different places in my life,I read a lot of your posts,why is it so hard to buy stuff where you live? Im sure you have explained it in the past,hope everything works out for you...Larry
When ever we had a so called Christian group in our shop. We locked all our tool boxes. Amazing what tools God needs.
(quoted from post at 04:57:08 06/02/12) I have never been too many different places in my life,I read a lot of your posts,why is it so hard to buy stuff where you live? Im sure you have explained it in the past,hope everything works out for you...Larry

Easy to buy... Just the prices... That little top handle stihl saw costs just over 500 bucks... I just compare prices and get whatever is the better deal... If it's close, I buy local....
It has been my experience that when doing business anyone who feels the need to tell me that they are a Christian or a disabled veteran is not someone to trust. Those are both fine things to be, I am sure, but if someone tells me out of the blue about how they are either one I become suspicious.
Any time a bible-thumper finds it necessary to tell me what a good Christian he is, I grab a hold of my wallet real tight.
Hello dave2,
You were the PREY!, the spelling was right. Hope you get it all back.
I'm a disabled Christian veteran, and I work for the government, and I'm here to help you......
Just give me your account number and PIN and I'll see to it that you are reimbursed through our Nigerian holding bank.
A true Christian does not need to be constantly telling everyone that he is a believer. It should be evident by his actions, one of which should be humility. Unfortunately, the ones who are constantly advertising their "Christianity" are the ones who get noticed, and invaribly bring another black eye. I'm afraid to even put one of the little fish symbals on the back of my car because I know that somewhere, somehow, someday, every day, I'm going to screw up and be the "stumbling block" that the scripture speaks of. I can be enough of a stumbling block without any advertising.

Good luck with getting your problem solved.
Every post so far is spot on. Some days I feel embarrassed to be a Christian by the way some of the other so called "Christians" decieve people in business.

One neighbor continues to hire people to do small jobs around there house. They only hire people from their church. I bet they get screwed on at least 70% of the jobs. People do half the work, take the money, promise to come back, never do. It keeps happening over and over. They just don't get it. By the way she is a former minister at this church (retired).

And not only in business.

One of our friend's daughters was a waitress while she was in college. Her dad asked her if there was a specific group of people that were the worst to wait on. She kinda hung her head and said, "Church people". (Notice she didn't call them Christians) He said, "Well then, what group are the best to wait on?" She said, "Harley riders." I thought that was interesting, and very sad, and not because there's anything wrong with Harley riders, but because the Christian crowd should present the very best impression to those around them - not the very worst.
My father told of one of his neighbors years ago, who was somewhat of a horse trader, and would try to use his supposed Christian belief and morality to influence his customers. He traded with another neighbor who was a little sharper that particular time, and realized after the fact that he had come out second best.

He went back to the other man and said, "John, the Lord has told me that I shouldn't have traded you that horse, and you should return it to me."

"Huh, He ain't said nothing to me about it."

End of conversation.
I had a tractor advertised in the photo adds.Some guy called telling me he was a preacher and if i took 500 off the price he would pray for me.I told him if he gave me an extra 500 i would pray for him.
I had a neighbor once that owned a Convenance Store, his son has it now. He changed Churches a couple of times because the other people going there wouldn't trade with him. I heard him tell me several times, G D Jim the lord has been good to me.

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