Rain guage looks like over 2' so far, and more to come here in N Md, had some pretty bad wind about ten miles south of here. Glad I got another 15 ac. of corn in this afternoon.
Monday night we had 8 tenths of an inch here in central NC. Today it has been on and off all afternoon, heavy at times but I don't think it will add up to much in the rain gauge.
Mid-Michigan, got an inch here, to reportedly 2 1/2 inches, and more forecast tonite. I had a field of hay that I cut Monday - was weedy and needed cutting to get the weeds. I would have left it for two or three weeks otherwise. Didn't dry well. I baled about 80 bales of the dryest part of the field, yesterday. Some of those were awfully heavy. Left them on the wagon, tarped, not going into my barn. Fed out a few today, couple were warm to the touch. Going to set them out in the yard as soon as weather clears, to dry. From the weather forecast tonite, I'll probably loose the rest - go in with the field chopper, and blow the windrows right back on the ground.
Pretty dry in places in NE Kansas. Had not had any rain for three week. Did get less then a half inch the night before last, but was so dry it didn't go far.
Update from earlier. Been raining hard all evening, and finally quit. Just shy of 3".
The Fallston area was hit hard where all those car dealerships are. It's about 2 miles from me in Bel Air. We received 3 inches of rain. A lot of trees are down in some areas. Hal
Guys, No rain here in South Central Texas, None in sight, and it is shaping up to be a long dry summer again even though it has rained a bunch early on in the year and only showered around here of late. Still in a drought here and it isn't much better now than late last fall when it was raining around on a regular basis.
John A.

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