OT: This Will Make You Sick


Well-known Member
This metal building has to come down soon. Very little will be salvaged.Time constraints will only allow for it to be smashed and hauled to scrap yard.Waiting for DEHEC approval and permit or I would have already started.6000sqft.
It's all about the mighty $$$ America will someday pay for their waste and greed, probably sooner that we want.
farmerjohn I think you are right.

What is the reason for taking it down? Looks like a pretty nice office/shop space for a business?
There is more BRAND NEW office and shop space sitting around unused than we would need if the economy were good!

Developers are constantly building MORE!

It has to be some sort of scam or tax loophole. There is NO WAY under normal circumstances that you can build a building to rent, then let it sit empty, and make a profit.

This one little building is nothing to cry over. It's not even historical.

Maybe if it wasn't cheaper to knock it all down and start over, people wouldn't do it. But right now with all the government regulation and corruption everywhere, that's not going to change.
You should have seen the good buildings torn down at Clinton Iowa. They moved a street. Then in between the two new ones they are going to build a "new" city maintenance garage. There where several good block and brick building that could have been used by the city but they tore them all down.

What do they care for it is not THEIR money being wasted. They will just charge more tax money some where.
They did a million dollar project in our town- street was formerly 2 lanes, with parking on both sides. At great expense, they widened it about 10 feet- now we still only have 2 lanes, but they added a center turn lane, plus politically correct bike lanes on both sides (that are almost never used)- and in the bargain, we lost all the parking.

Left us scratching our heads as to why they even bothered.
Yep sad to say we in the U.S. have gotten to a point that we throw away so much stuff and then wonder why the price of stuff is so high. Back when I was still driving trucks I worked many a job where they just took an knocked a building down then loaded it up and it went to the land fill. Had one where there was a house being knocked down and it had a water heater in it that has the date of install and it was less then 2 months old but it still got loaded in the dump truck and hauls to the land fill
Bt, we are all on hard times, can't afford anything.....

I remember mom's stories, her sis came out to the farm and cut the eyes out of the seed potatoes, could plant the eyes and boil the rest of the potato for supper... And on and on.

Can't imagine why we are on 'hard times' now huh? :)

We got ourselves caught on a building bubble, throw out the old, build new, everyone has a job that way. If we actually saved the old stuff, didn't build new, then everyone would be out of work.... A bad cycle we got ourselves in.

Was at a farm sale - actually coop was selling off a very old elevator. They sold the stuff out of a room, then even sold the wiring off the wall, sold the big roll up doors, sold everything. Told the buyers, doors will be unlocked tomorrow, get your stuff before it's gone, it's yours now.

In fact, they sold the walk-in doors to the building as well, so probably no doors to lock the next day....

That's progress. Sometimes the land is worth more than the building. We did't have a Wal-Mart in North Platte 5 years before they tore it down and built a huge Super Wal-Mart on the same site.
Rumor has it there is a 1.2 million sqft building going on this site.
We complain about government, who elected them? Seems maybe we should elect a different bunch, and keep changing them until you find a group that behaves.
I bet if someone took down some of that sheet metal they'd be hauled in for theft. Crying shame.
Wal Mart put up a big store.Home Depot built a store near it.Home Depot built another store close by and moved out.Then Wal Mart built a super store closeby.First Wal Mart store was torn down,Lowes built a new store on that site.The old Home Depot store is still vacant close by.Im thinking why didnt Lowes buy the old Home depot Store.Theres a Circuit Store that has been empty for 5 years.They are building new buildings all around it.Sams Club is rehabing a 10 years old store putting in all new checkouts.They have 20 check outs with only 2 open most of the time,why do they need new ones.When you buy from these stores you pay for this foolishness.I told a hardware store owner I do not need a fancy display.If I need a box of wood screws you can tell me where they are and I will get them off the shelf.

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