think there is anything to this???

Well......I'll tell you this about that,we had a guy come in to Board of Review 2 years ago wanting to know what was going on. The records showed that his place had been forclosed on. He had never had a mortgage on it. He inherited it from his Dad when he passed away many many years ago. I doubt his Dad had ever had a mortgage on it since he had inherited a couple of places from old folks with no heirs who he had taken care of later in life.
All we could do was send him up the Courthouse. I don't know how he came out on it. I guess if a bank could just claim they had forclosed,a municipality could claim you never owned it.

I believe it was Thomas Jefferson who warned that any government that was big enough to give you everything you want was big enough to take everything you have.
Would sure be interesting to see some specifics- can't believe a municipality would just hijack your property. I suspect there's some defect in title which occurred many years ago, but could probably be remedied, especially if they and their predecessors have been living on it. And you shouldn't have to sell all your worldly goods to do it.

In my experience, courts do not defer to county or city governments- they decide cases based on the law, primarily because there are always higher courts to appeal to, which aren't in cahoots with anyone. And appeals courts tend to award healthy attorney's fees to the winners, especially if the losers are scoundrels.
Where in the USA is this?
Maybe it is BS, maybe it is true.
If the whole town stood behind this guy then the county may realize they are wrong.
Maybe this guy didnt pay his taxes for several years.
Maybe the guy just wants you to feel sorry for him and then he bums money off of everyone.

Maybe, Maybe, Maybe.
As Paul Harvey used to say......Where is the rest of the story?
You just read his story.

Now the counties story... Owner deliquent on taxes for XX amount of years. Mortgage in foreclosure. Repo men looking for their vehicles. Credit card companies after them. General all around scam guy that probably owes everyone money, but has a cell phone and enough money for cigarettes and a six-pack everyday.

County goes after the only thing of value to try to cover their portion owed. Owner finally is painted into a corner with no way out, so he then goes public (Facebook, Craigslist) trying to make the county appear to be the bad guy.

Not saying its true. But sure possible.
From the list of animals,sounds like he's in one of those communities in Florida where the circus carnies spend the winter.
Farm tractors and attachments? Is that a normal phrase in FL?
Seems like here in NY people who call implements attachments
mostly are either very new to rural life or trying to sell off dad's
stuff that they don't want. I try to stick with the policy of don't
believe anything you hear and only half of what you see.
True or not things like this is the reason I keep lead and a pea shooter near me. I will stand and defend any help defend this country until I am dead but I sure as heck WILL NOT defend any of the clowns in DC.
There are two sides to every story. This guy sounds like just another "I'm right and everyone else is wrong" kook. There's one in every town. They'll ignore any legal advice they get, then when it all comes crashing down they play the victim.
Having lived in Orange County all my life and seeing this guys ads on Craigslist for the last several years, there's more to the story than what the posted ad leads onto. I have no idea of any of the particulars, and have not read or heard anything on the news. My guess, and it's strictly that, might be numerous code violations??? I read it as more of a "pity me" ad. My .02.
I fought our town for 17 years They are dirty dirty people. This town is run by the Mormons and they are bad people to the bone. I'm in Central NY and in a town south of me a Judge gave land to some people after they cut the grass for a few years the people who owned the land had no idea what the people were up to and just let them use it I believe it was this forum that brought that case up to my attention. What i have been throught i believe that Goverment is dirty. They were going to come take my stuff and charge me or put it on my taxes and take my land that way I armed myself and to tell to truth i dreamed about shooting the guy running the loader and the truck driver figured i'd get atleast those two but it never got that far they did back down alittle i guess with me having stage 4 cancer and not much to louse and thinking i'm nuts they backed off for now. We will be ready when and if the time comes.. Also this town did try to take a friend of mines land after he qwould not sell to the Mormons for there Motels the town tried to take the land with eminent domain he had to get a lawyer and spent thousands to keep his land that the taxes were up to date and had no morgage I guess by now you know this got me going...
Did I see Ocala? Nic e little town once upon a time. Stayed there on several vacations. Close to Orlando and Disney. Close to Silver springs and glass bottom boats. Maybe his dad never had proper legal counseling for farm. I am hurt and bothered. Need John T's legal take on this. Dave
We don't know of his circumstances or fight so why speculate, Seems he is asset rich and cash poor, which a lot of us are.Don't degrade the person from afar.
Things that attach to a tractor via the 3pl can be called attachments albeit implements.Otherwise they are trailing.As I see it.
Their was a scam going on in Florida about 20 years ago, Folks would forge a quit claim deed on a piece of property, take a mortgage out on it and walk. Another popular one was to break into an
empty house (foreclosure) change the locks and rent it to some unsuspecting sap who'll give you
first & last months rent and maybe a security deposit, of course after two weeks the "landlord"
has dumped the trac phone he was using and went back to Wal-Mart to got another to continue their
"business". Florida is the headquarters in the US for scams, people come from across the country
to lay in the sunshine drink, snort, inject and smoke while finding some pretty innovative ways
not to work. The State of Florida, and some of the communities are not real found of property
rights either, if you have something they want developed and you don't want to develop it they
pretty much take it from you and hand it over to developers so they can collect their "impact
fees" and then the taxes. If you have something they want to "preserve" again they take it from
you in the name of "preserving the ecosystem". If you take them to federal court about impact fees
on car tags and they loose they continue to collect the impact fees. If you're in the military and
say you're deployed to Saudi Arabia during dessert shield they have no problems telling your
spouse that Florida law supersedes the federal soldiers and sailors relief act and they want their
$500 dollar blood money/"impact fee" on your car tag.
You know, speaking of hijacking property, I always wondered about the outcome of the case in Arizona, or that area, where a farmer ran over an alleged endangered species mouse and the government seized his property.
If you want people to believe you and be on your side, you can't sound like a breathless, hysterical kook.
I wonder why he's using the Craigslist from Ocala, which is in Marion, Co. While Orlando is Orange county where the property is. Lotsa horse farms around Ocala, maybe he's looking for whympathy from them.

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