Oats are in!


Well-known Member
Got my oats planted today, along with alfalfa. Letsee, today is April what?? This is the absolutely earliest I"ve gotten oats planted - and this is CENTRAL Michigan! Usually just in the thinking stage this time of year... Probably the fastest we"ve ever got the job done too... Son and I tag-team plowed Sunday. Both tractors were giving heating problems, mine (wife"s MF 180 was engine heating... Son"s JD B was so hot the fuel was boiling in the sediment bowl leading to vapor lock.. Never had that happen either, especially at this time of year. Marathon disking and dragging to prep the fields followed Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Heat a problem all three days. Little cooler today, and temperatures were under control. Pedal to the metal farming - but it"s done. Still have to spread fertilizer, but that"s a little less frantic, I can do that over the next few days, if it doesn"t rain. My old drill is so tired that the fertilizer section is inoperable, so will have to go in with a broadcaster to fertilize. Tractor I use for that has so light a footprint that I can float right over the field. But it"s done on March 22nd, WOW!
You beat me this year. Just finished hauling manure yesterday. We'll see what the weather is next week. One side of the field I want to plant is low and wet,so I don't want to work it then take the chance on it getting rained on.
Did you get any rain up there late afternoon or tonight? We had some thunder and lightening and a few showers.
That's the way to go Ray!,now let's hope for a little less heat, and an inch of rain. No use getting carried away with the rain!
We planted a ten acer Field of oats in March back in the mid sixties. We had a big snow storm afterwords and we didn't think they were going to make it. Turned out to be one of the best crops of oats we ever had. We were 50 miles North of Detroit.
Soil temps are easily warmer than that! We've set a row of record temperatures over the past week or so. Mid 80's all week.
Best oats I ever had was two years ago when I planted March 31. Wasn't any where near as warm for so long.
Randy, Got dampened by a short shower, but kept right on drilling. Called my wife to grab my cellphone, and take it inside, though. Daughter reported a pretty good shower in Edmore, son reported a frog strangler in Big Rapids. Must be the guy upstairs smiled on me. Actually, the soil is pretty dry in the top layers, and a good rain would be a blessing. I finished up in time to go to a Honor's band concert at Montabella tonite. Grandson was one of the musicians. Best HS concert i've heard in quite a while!
Only a W.A.Q. but I wonder if the heating problem was from the winter blend of fuel, noticed some of mine were running warmer than usual for the job.
South East Minnesota here.

I got my oats/alfalfa in the ground Sunday (March 18). Then we got an inch of rain soon after I was done. Couldn't have gone more perfectly. The earliest I've ever seeded was March 31 (2010) and that was VERY early by all accounts. Normal target is to have them in by May 15 here. Last year I didn't get them in until almost June and still ended up mudding them in.

However I drove across the county the other day and noticed that I'm probably the only person around who put them in already. I might end up feeling pretty dumb if the temperature heads down below freezing for a while after their up :)

When I seeded on March 31, it was the best looking stand I've ever grown though, so it's worth the risk.
I hope your faith is sufficient to repeat the ritual in a few weeks time.
It was 23 C here today. I've seen it 23 below on the same date in years past...
I think I'll keep my powder dry for at least another month..... at least 'here'.

> what are oats worth per bu.??

Not much! $3.33/bushel on CME right now.

Most people in my area just make hay or oatlage out of it instead of letting them reach maturity and combining. It seems like those who combine it around here don't sell it either, they just grind it with shell corn for cattle feed.
Ray cuts his with a binder and takes them to the steam show for the threshing demonstration. Then he feeds them to his sheep. I combine mine,grind them with ear corn and feed them to steers,then bale the straw for bedding.
We add ours to ground feed as well, and some years Dad will sell year of certified seed oats if we have enough. He'll set up the old clipper cleaner and clean enough for us and if he gets an order, he'll clean that too. The straw is chopped for bedding.

Donovan from Wisconsin
(quoted from post at 15:17:54 03/23/12) Ray cuts his with a binder and takes them to the steam show for the threshing demonstration. Then he feeds them to his sheep. I combine mine,grind them with ear corn and feed them to steers,then bale the straw for bedding.

What steam show?????
Cant put 'em in too early if soil conditions are good, slap 'em in. The earlier they're in the better they'll be.

The growing point is below ground for a long time- study your plant physiology!

Put 'em in if conditions are good!
You may be at the point "there" that they won"t get hurt. Here... they"re going to be frozen solid yet... then go through a cold wet spell that will rot the seed in the ground. The last week of april would normally be the earliest we would plant here and that"s on a very good year. Not uncommon to see snow on the ground here until the first week of may.


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