why change format ????


Well-known Member
our computor just switched formats and now the normal icons i am used to finding e-mail and other sites are now found by a different method ,, 1st time this happened i thouht the wife who loves movin furniture around decided to do the computer too .yes says no ,, she thinx the computer folx do it to change things from time to time ,WTH !.. both of us are self tauht on computers ..,only event that we can figure is i run a add on crais list and a spammer? asked if "is item still available " i simply replied "yes " ,, wifes daughter says to never reply to those sundaviches because they can get in and azz with your computer ,,.well i guess they can ??. a new format is like lookin for the lite switch in a dark room ... kinda like throwing your tool box out in the grass and loooking for each socket or wrench you need ,,or moving the brakes and clutch levers to opposite sides
I ask my son who works in the industry this question. He tells me that if the companies don't change things up the younger more computer knowledgeable folks think it's out dated and switch to something else.

Shutting of up dates will stop it but if there are any security (fire walls and such) updates you miss them unless you go and look at the up dates one by one and install the ones for security yourself.

(quoted from post at 10:37:38 03/07/12) our computor just switched formats and now the normal icons i am used to finding e-mail and other sites are now found by a different method ,, 1st time this happened i thouht the wife who loves movin furniture around decided to do the computer too .yes says no ,, she thinx the computer folx do it to change things from time to time ,WTH !.. both of us are self tauht on computers ..,only event that we can figure is i run a add on crais list and a spammer? asked if "is item still available " i simply replied "yes " ,, wifes daughter says to never reply to those sundaviches because they can get in and azz with your computer ,,.well i guess they can ??. a new format is like lookin for the lite switch in a dark room ... kinda like throwing your tool box out in the grass and loooking for each socket or wrench you need ,,or moving the brakes and clutch levers to opposite sides
hat is generally the result of the operator doing something he/she didn't intend to do and many times don't even realize that they did it. Right click anywhere on open desktop area & up comes "Re-arrange desktop icons". Bam! You are re-arranged!
The auto industry has been doing it for years I think... We could all be driving around in cars from the late 1800"s perhaps?
Got my 12 year old to sort out a computer problem for me, I met him coming down the stairs and on passing asked what had happened "Oh it was an I d ten t problem" he said, I asked what that was and he said "write it down, so you don't forget it" So I did......ID10T
Auto updates did NOT change the "format" of your computer. Neither did responding to a craigslist ad.

Auto updates are only minor security and bug fixes.

---If your icons are just in different places, it's because YOU mistakenly re-arranged them. Be more careful with clicking your mouse.

---If the computer basically looks the same but there are some new things appearing, it is because YOU installed some piece of software, probably by mistake. You need to be VERY careful where you click because some pop-up windows can't be blocked and they contain confusing wording and buttons that try to trick you into installing their software.

Example: "Click OK to not install the Google toolbar in all your browsers. Otherwise click Cancel."

Notice it says *NOT*. Your natural instinct is to click Cancel, which in this case installs the software.

You also need to be careful when installing updates to existing software. They like to "piggyback" other programs in with the updates, and use confusing wording to fool you into installing them. Google Chrome is one piece of software that likes to piggyback with other popular Internet tools. Even after saying no, Google Chrome has forced its way on to my PC twice now.

---If the computer has a completely different look and feel, that is because YOU took it to the computer guy and he upgraded your operating system. A new operating system is like a new car. They change the user interface in an attempt to improve it and make it easier to use. They change the way things look because studies have shown that most people get bored with the same old thing and need to look at something new from time to time.
I used to have all kinds of trouble til I quit putting my feet on the desk (and mashing the crtl key with the side of my leg while clicking the mouse)

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