Be CAREFUL Neighbors and friends,TRACTOR ACCIDENT


Well-known Member
Goood farmer up the road from me ran over himself ,,you can say he is lucky,while feeding cows with a bale on front loader , he had a minor problem with starter connection on his 185 Allis his Dad bouht new back in the early 70s ..he started the tractor while standin on the ground , and the unthinkable , it is thought he trippedwith his sleave cuff the hi lo into gear when reaching upto start ,, he was not arcing the starter..durn thing started and startedover his foot and kept oing , breaking a leg , pelvis , ribs , and nearly dislodging his jawand damaging his eye ,,,the tractor was coming for another pass when it lodged against another tractor and stopped .. his recovery will be slow ,, he is 68 yrs young and strong and tuf ,, and no ones fool,, and can weld anythin and grow anythin ,ACCIDENTS CAN HAPPEN ,, i have had a few close calls myself ,and hate to admitthat i should have been more careful ,i sheepishly have described the event s to you guys ,for only one reason ,, I HOPE YOU GUYS CAN LEARN FROM EVERYONES MISTAKES,, AND THEREFORE YOUR WIFE AND LOVED ONES WILL BE SPARED THE ANGUISH
He's brave doing that anyways. Even with the hi lo in neutral, those tractors always have a creep. God was watching over him today. Not often that one could get that lucky.
Tractors are like guns, as soon as someone gets hurt, it is a statistic against the industry.

All fergies and MF's have the neutral safety switch on the tranny, they give people grief, so they get hotwired, bad idea. That was a good $15 invention worth mantaining.
That happened a few years ago in our neighborhood, too. Once it gets on your foot, it's got you. 100 HP Deere ran the rear wheel the length of his body, busting everything. Slid the skin and meat off of his face. Popped one eye out of the socket. It woulda killed a scrawny guy like me. Tractor went on and tore a corner off of the henhouse, went through several fences, and finally hung the 5 bottom plow on a pond levee and dug a hole it couldn't get out of.

This guy was in a hurry to get seed in the ground. Sometimes we think we need to take risks that we normally wouldn't take.

I wish your neighbor well.
Those safety can be a PITA, but you got to respect them. When I hired into the golf course in '79 they had bypassed the safety interlocks on every piece of equipment they had. After working there 3-4 months they made me the mechanic-the first winter I fixed all the interlocks, not that I'm a big interlock fan but I felt if someone got hurt I'd feel like crap about it and my employer wouldn't be in much of a position to defend themselves or me. With the working interlock Toro, Jacobson or Cushman would be a co-defendant.
Hey you spelled my name right!!! Gold star for you.
Now tell me how this is the same as pull starting a tractor?????
My son came close to being hurt starting a neighbor's Massey with the neutral safety bypassed. Now I own that tractor and when I get around to restoring it the safety switch will be operational again. Jim
To me its no 'accident' just didn't use caution/good sense to make sure the tractor gearshift was in neutral those tractors will creep forward even with the high/low in the neutral position especially on a cold startup.
I cringe whenever I see peolple on places like
this say they are going to 'play' with their tractors.My opinion is if a person needs a safty swith not to start the tractor in gear they'll manage to bust themselves some other way from lack of attention.
Also wonder how many times the NJ flag was flown at half staff when one of the US Soliders killed in Iraq or Afghanistan was brought home there to be buried? Guess drug addicts are more important than soliders these days.What a disgrace.
Very same thing happened to a good family friend a couple years ago on a 185 or 190XT. He was run over with tractor and a disk attached and the tractor hit the building. Broke pelvis, ribs, chewed up his leg. He is ok now and is back to farming.

Hook those clutch safety switches back up!!!
The exact very selfsame thing happened to my neighbor in 2004. With the same tractor and in the same way, and with the same results. His son and daughter were both in the fire department first responders and they both responded to the call. It finally killed him at age 64 two years ago, that coupled with other health issues he had. I made sure my neutral safety switch on my Deere was up to snuff after that.
Exactly why I tell people not to start tractors from the ground. People laugh at me but he wouldn't have got hurt from the seat. Easy for a lever to pop in gear or to have forgot the pto engaged.
i stopped starting mine that way also.i cringed everytime i did just waiting for it to take it off finally i told myself never again just aint worth it.
I agree, it is very dangerous when operating a tractor regardless of what size it is. Some big time rules should be: don't operate drunk, don't operate without proper lighting, and don't operate with kids, and pets in the area.
Actually, on the news it stated that it has been flown at half staff for EVERY soldier from N.J. who lost his life in those wars. 31 times, if I remember right. I'm not defending his decision to fly the flag at half staff in this instance, but thought you'd feel better knowing what has been reported. . .

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