
I was taught to never "hate" anything or anyone but I HATE cancer. My wife had along treatment yesterday as I wrote and today she tryed to eat and couldnt, She got wore out trying and now shes back in bed. Our Pastor came to visit yesterday and I told him, I never pray for myself but do pray I keep my health until shes doing OK. Shes a pretty girl thats good inside to, but has lost a lot of weight,not much more then 100 lbs now. I will try to put a picture of her on here

I'm with you there. I have 5 good friends that are all battling cancer right now. If I might I would also like to add Alzheimers to your list of diseases I hate.

Prayers for your wife.
Your wife is a beautiful Lady (girl as you called her). Always cherish your moments together because its all in Gods hands . I lost my Mom & her Mom (Gramma B) to that hated disease -cancer) . They need to spend less to help other countries & find cures here in our country .My heart & Prayers go out to you & your wife . Hating evil isn"t wrong . Jesus hated evil but not the person . Stay strong & remember when your strenghth weakens , draw from others . Keep us posted & God bless, Ken
This is crazy but there is some news from the Institute of Health Sciences, 819 N. L.L.C. Cause Street, Baltimore, MD 1201 saying that there is something in lemon juice that kills the cancer cells. I know it sounds crazy but who knows. My dad had and now my son has cancer and the drugs that he takes has sure beat up his body. He has lost 2 inches in height due to compression fractures in his spine. To you and all of those who have cancer or a loved one who has be strong for them. My prayers are there for you and your girl. Bud
My wife too is battling the big C. Over the surgery, the most heavy duty chemo, but still six more months of the every three week stuff, plus daily medication for 5 years. Not been an easy road. We feel for you. Bess you in your travels down this road. You"re not alone. We"ll be pulling for both of you.
prayers for you wife and you, its a struggle I have not had to face, yet. Daughter works for Rosewell Park Cancer instute in Buffalo, NY. 2 weeks ago they annouced a cancer vaccination, used on folks who have had cancer and are in remission, some how they make an individual vacine for that person so their immune system will kill that type of cancer if it reoccurs. Full FDA approval, sounds good, need to end this dreaded disease.
My wife has had many problems over the years, mostly due to rhuematoid arthritis. All the medications really mess up her digestive tract so she got way down to 81 pounds 8 years ago. Fed her with a stomach feeding tube for four months. Got back to fair shape but now the damage to spine etc has her getting epedurmals in her spine for relief. Health is something we take for granted until it goes bad. All one can do is have faith and pray for the best. Thinking of you.
My neighbors wife has RA and I see how bad it can be. And to the others fighting cancer my heart goes out to you and my prayers to
My prayers are with you and your wife and your entire family. I lost my wife to cancer and I'm a 2 time cancer survivor. Chemo and radiation do take their toll on the body, but God has made us strong to withstand many things. Keep up your faith and really encourage your wife to do the same. Good luck
Praying for you BSpauld and your wife. Pray the Lord will whip the devil and give her back her health. Thing like this has to come from the devil. Only good things come from the Lord. I feel for you and pray the Lord will give you peace and freedom from pain at this time. Dave
I have sent a prayer for you and your wife. Please know that when you need to vent your YT friends will be here to listen. Take care of yourself so you can take care of your Lady.
Thoughts and prayers for your Lovely Wife.

Found out my little Brother had cancer before Thanksgiving last fall. He passed away Jan. 28 2012 only 55 years old. Been rough, I'm gonna miss him.

I'am losing a brother to cancer. Its a terrible thing and I dont wish it on my worst enemey,I hope she will come through it ok. but just in case my prayers are with you . stay strong for her and God will do the rest. God bless Bob
My wife has been battling stage 4 cancer since June. In and out of the hospital with complications, she had a feeding tube put in in November even tho the doc's were against it. She has started to gain weight and a few weeks ago was told her cancer was in remission. We were very happy to get some good news for a change..

My wife had a sever stroke a week after the first chemo sept. 28. She has not been home since but I hope to have her home by the first of march...

I wish the best for you both...
Last year I lost both my brother and mother to cancer, I can understand your hate for it, It takes everything from them and you, It slowly took strong, vibrant people from me right before my eyes, The only thing I can tell you is love your family and friends while you have them. If it does come to it hospice is a beautiful thing. Best wishes to you and your family.
Praying for your wife, you and your family. Cancer is a terrible disease. It is a disease that has more than likley touched everyone in some way or another, family, friends or someone you know. Be strong, think positive, and trust in God. When we are in life's valley's somtimes it's hard, I know, I've been in your shoes, my wife is an 11 year cancer survivor.
Very pretty young lady indeed. Modern medicine can do amazing things. Do not discredit some of the non-traditional things you hear about.
I am only a single time cancer survivor, but my prayers WILL go out to you and her. Modern med has come a long way in the past 10 years. Dont give up hope. There are support centers for both you and your wife.

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