Not the sharpest knife in the drawer....


Well-known Member
Just got a call from the wife. Cops just hauled our next door neighbor off. We live at the head of kind of a T intesection.. They live straight ahead of traffic before they turn.... They've been livin well above thier means the last several years and always tight on money... Couldn't afford to keep up payments on his BMW 2 seater and couldn't afford to let it go back.
So, 6 degrees and been like this for well over a week and everything is dry. Einstein got sh!tfaced and came up with a plan... Went out and dumped a bunch of water on the road to make big sheet of ice and parked his BMW on the sidewalk in frt of his house.... Car load of kids coming home from the disco barrel up to the intersection as usual, slow to accelerate into the curve and hotrod outta town. Try to slow down, hit the ice, and broadside the BMW and knock it into the house. 3 of the kids hospital hurt (one critical) 2 beat up a little, thier car totaled BMW and end wall of house are tore up... He got hauled off and will prolly be charged with the damage/endangerment of the folks in the car.....

You just can't make this stuff up.....-
LOL I remember rolling on alerts. They would post it on German news that there would be US military vehicles moving through this town about this time on this day. Lot of the Germans would park their cars along the march route hoping that a tank would side swipe it. You should see what end connectors do to the side of a new BMW!

But as far as the setting something up to wreck a car thats pretty common here in the states too. I saw enough to make me sick when I was an adjuster. Had one claim that we were about to pay as a total when a guy turned in a video showing him and a couple running a van into a tree.....mutipal times until they were sure it was going to be totaled. They had promised to pay him for helping and then tried backing out. They as a group recorded it "for fun". He testified against them. Same thing, got in too deep and figured that if they got the insurance to pay it off they would be out from under it. Had another guy run into a concrete base for a light pole in a parking lot on a clear and sunny day. Claimed he was distracted. Witnesses told a different story. Guy was kinda upset when 1. it wasn't a total and 2. he was informed that if he dropped the claim the company would not file charges on him.

There is an old water supply lake just a few miles away from me. It was built in the 1950s. They quit using it for drinking water twenty years ago or so. That lake has a township road that runs close to one side of it. In 1988 the drought just about dried that lake up. You could see 10-15 cars out in the lake bed. Guys would get in too deep on a car and drive it into the lake and then report it stolen. Never heard of anyone getting caught doing it. The lake was sold to a private individual and I don't know if they cleaned the old cars out of it or not.
OK..I want to know what happened to the BMW???
Can a guy buy it cheep and scab it together????
You know,,,,Maybe Make a field car out of it.. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Kinda like the story about the old guy who had a big mud hole in front of his house. Always kept his team hitched up to pull cars out of the mud. Complained that he never got any sleep. Said he was making good money pulling cars out all day,but he had to spend all night hauling water.
Re the concrete, friend of mines wife drove her brand new car (days
old) into a concrete light standard at a mall. The light was off it
getting repaired and she thought she found a great spot to scoot
around some cars!
I was in the process of putting a bankruptcy filing together for a couple, primarily because they were underwater on their car- had traded a couple times, debt just increased, until they owed about twice what present one was worth, and couldn't make the $600 payments.

It ended up "underwater", literally. We had a big flood, and the cars at the Ford dealership were up to their windows in water.

Guy called me and advised to hold up on the bankruptcy, his car was in the Ford garage. He got lucky on two counts- cars outside just had muddy river water, so weren't totalled and got sent to Utah to be refurbished. But his was inside, and with all the oil and solvents that got into the water, his was totalled. And even better, he wasn't just insured for the value of the car, he had insurance that paid off the loan.

He cancelled the bankruptcy, but did pay me some for my work thus far.
Fools down in Baltimore and up in Philly used to drive their cars to a couple of slate quarrys near here and run them in. Then they'd report them stolen and get the insurance on them. Guy I used to work with and his brother had a frame with six barrels and a winch used to dive on them and salvage them. They'd dry them out, claim a new title and sell them cheap. Made some pretty good money and no guarantees on the vehicle.
Once, as a Claims Adjuster, I was privy to a situation where a couple had bought an Olds Aurora.

They paid 'way too much for the car in the first place. Then the car turned out to have chronic air conditioning problems that no one could seem to fix. They arrived at a point when they owed some $20,000 on a car that in top shape was worth maybe $10,000. They wrote the finance company asking for the car to be repossessed, obviously under the mistaken impression that if the car was repoed they would walk away free and clear.

The finance company wrote back asking the couple if they were sure that was what they wanted to do. The couple replied they were.

The finance company repoed the car, sold it at auction for $6,000, and sent the owners a certified letter demanding the $14,000 difference within 10 days.

I never did hear the final outcome.

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