Fastest thing on earth.....JOKE


Well-known Member
Just read the post below about 'I'm so fast' and it reminded me of this joke.

Company was needing a new hire and had interviewed four equally qualified candidates, Jimmy, Joe, Sam, and Bubba. So they decided to ask one final question and the one with the best answer would get the job.

Jimmy comes back in and is asked the question. What is the fastest thing on earth? He thought about it for about half a second and said 'Thought'. His reasoning was that when asked the question he immediately began to think about an answer so 'thought' had to be really fast.

Next Joe is asked the same question and he says the fastest thing he knows of is a 'blink'. His reasoning is that you always hear people saying quick as a bink, and a bink is really fast, so it just might be the fastest thing on earth.

Sam comes in and he too is asked what he thinks is the fastest thing on earth. His reply is 'light'. He said he can stand at his back door and flip on the switch for the lights in his shed all the way on the other side of the field, and almost like magic they immediately kight up.

By this time the guy doing the interviewing is still having a really hard time deciding who to hire because all three guys have had good answers to the question and very logical reasons for them as well. As a result he's really hoping Bubba can be the tie breaker with his answer so he calls him in and askes the same question.

Upon hearing the question Bubba just sits there lost in thought and the guy's not holding much hope for 'ole Bubba. A minute goes buy and you can tell a light goes off in Bubba's head and he blurts out thart diarrhea is the fastest thing he can think of. The guy doing the interview was dumbfounded and couldn't believe Bubba's answer but decided to give him the benefit of the doubt and hear his reasoning for the answer anyway. To that Bubba replied that the other night he had woken up in the wee hours of the morning feeling like his insides were about to explode. He jumped out of bed and made a mad dash for the toilet but before he could 'think', 'blink', or 'turn on the light' he had already $hit all over himself...............BUBBA GOT THE JOB..........
Speaking of logical answers, two friends applied for a job driving for a trucking company. The interviewer asked one, "You age going down a steep hill with a one lane bridge at the bottom, another truck is coming down the hill on the other side of the bridge. It is obvious that he is not going to stop so you attempt to slow down but your brakes are gone, what will you do?" Fella thinks a minute and says, "I would reach back in the sleeper and wake up Leroy." Is that all, why would you wake up Leroy? "Cause he ain't never seen a bad wreck before."
Reminds me of the story about the bum in the park. He had to go, so slipped behind a bush,and took care of business. Coming back around the bush, he spied a cop approaching, so he grabbed his hat and threw it over the pile. Cop asked him, "What have you got there?" The derelict answered, "Nothin' Just the fastest squirrel in the world." Cop says, "Let me see it." "Sure", says the bum. "Jest you bend over, grab the hat, but you got to grab him quick or you'll miss him, for sure." Cop lifts the hat quickly and grabs the whole package. Needless to say, he wasn't happy. Bum looked at him, and say's, "See? I told you he was fast. He done crapped in your hand and got away!"
Two buzzards are sitting on a power line the first time they see a jet fly by. One buzzard says to the other, "Look how fast that thing goes"... the other buzzard replies, "You'd go fast too with 2 burning A--holes".

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