Ot question.


Well-known Member
I woke up this morning with a sore big toe. Uncomfortable but
not killing me, on a scale of 1 to
10 a 1, well I asked my wife about it and she claimed I have
gout,,, ?? At 37?? It only hurts when I move toe up and
down. Feels more like a pull to me but I don't know what gout
feels like. Any one have gout, and how does it feel? Thanks j
Could well be. If it feels like any touch or pressure on it (side, top, tip, or movement) I would say 90% chance. Mine is in remission, There are new meds out there. I drink a good share of fruit juices Cranberry, Cherry, and Eat berries as well. Does it help. It is in remission, and The juice tastes good! Get a diagnosis, not hearsay. Jim
Take a hammer and hit the toe on the other foot. If it feels the same, you stubbed your toe.
Thats how mine started. Just like you describe. Off and on for a few years. Then, when it hit, it hit like a ton of bricks. Nothing more painful than gout that I've experienced including a hyperextended knee with a torn ACL and MCL.

As to 'only 37'... some of the old English literature did refer to gout as an older person disease, but the average life expectancy was 35. I had my first twinges that I recall about 38 or so, was 42 when it took me down. The meds work really well and the preventatives are supposed to as well. I tried them but had all kinds of complications so now I manage mine with diet and prescription nasids. Worst is its spread to my hands, knees, and hips as well.
Tell her that could only mean that there is Kryptonite around somewhere. Since I'm bulletproof, I don't know much about sores and injuries. If I did I'ld help.
I'm gonna eat some cherries and see what happens. I have been walking on frozen ground roughed up by the horses as mud before it froze. So I may just have hurt the ball of my big toe, I don't know. I'm hopping it's not gout!
Blonde went to the doctors. Told him she hurt everywhere. "like where?", asked the good doctor.

She proceeded to put her finger on her other arm, and said, "Here", on her leg, and said "here", on her head, and said ,"here"; on her knee, and said,"here", and on her foot also.

Doc thought for a few seconds, and diagnosed her as having a broken finger.
Was it swollen and hot to the touch? I had those symptoms once.Went to doctor who said it was gout.Never had it since.I think it was something else.

Those can be contributory!! I still eat some, but have adapted to stir fry and alternatives for about 60% of what I was eating in those. Jim
That's pretty funny, Donjr. Did you write that or is it a C&P? Either way, it's pretty good. You folks coming over for some reindeer steaks, and gravey? I got a bunch of cool new toys when he took off down the road. Do you know what a IPAD does. According to the tag, it would have gone to some Dave2, had he completed his run.
hope the foot gets better - hope its not gout
just realized i didn't get back to you after the auction...
we didn't stay long...none too much around - we picked up at 3 pt. hitch boom and a couple garden tools...nothing to great.
how was your kid's 1st christmas?
we had our first one w/ our nephew being at an age to appreciate it (18 months) it was a lot of fun...he got some tractor books...i got a wooden tractor kit to build and paint with him in a year or so...
i figure when he's 3 i can buy him a little cub or something...hahaha
hope its not gout.

also - don't know if you know the house - but my sister just bought krohn's house on young's corner's road...just past the corner where miller's and youngs comes together.

Just a little open ended, and needed a finish to your story. Kind of let my imagination run wild for a bit. Sorry, I just couldn't help my rotten self===
I have gout and most often it gets worse in winter,I started drinking more water in the colder weather and that has made a big difference; the black cherrys help also.
Hi steve, ya baby's Christmas was good, only 3 months so no so into it. I will drop off ur chain one of these days lol. I dident stay past 11:30 at Jims auction wasent real good and it was cold. Can't picture house, but I will look next time I go to hands, happy new year to u and ur family
37 years old ?? I'm guessing ya kicked the foot board in the heat of the moment. or if ya sleep walk stubbed yer toe .
have you been using Mucinex DM? I know several people who have had gout flare ups due to using Mucinex DM. If you have Gout DO NOT USE Mucinex DM. Two people who took it had never had Gout symptoms before.
If your system can handle it take some Ibuprofen which helps eliminate inflammation.

I have had doctor diagnosed gout in the past. On occasion I get a flare up but a course of Ibuprofen quickly takes care of it and it may be months or over a year before there is another.

Mine has never been severe and given suffering like some have.
I'm just wondering if the poor boy has scratches on his back also.....
That has happened to me on occasions when iv been attacked by an wild anamel....

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