how to stop people from fighting on this site.


New User
I have seen lately people have been getting upset about people posting music on the tractor Discussion Board. It came to me....the easiest fix to this problem would be for the the site to ad a "music" topic in the genneral discussion section. Then they would be no hard feelings between people. I'm staying neutral on the subject ,but I thought this might be a fair way to keep everyone happy.
So if there talking music on a tractor site now you want a music site so they can talk tractors is that what you are saying this site has left the "TRACTOR" part quite different than it was 10-12 yrs ago when all it was was tractors.
heck this ain't bad, go over to agtalk, lots a fights every day there. gets worse in winter when nobody got anything to do. lol cabin fever.
I dont like or participate in fights either, Im here to help others NOT FIGHT. I figure a body has a right to post their own "opinions" here even if right or wrong, ignorant or educated HOWEVER some seem to take personal offense if another person posts a different opinion and want to fight and argue. Hey its fine to justify an opinion with hard scientific data or studies to prove ones point, but I dont agree with "personal" attacks, thats a whole different and unacceptable thing far as Im concerned.

Best wishes yall, Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving

John T
If I have no interest in a topic, I just move on to the next one that interests me. I've never opened one of the music topics because they don't interest me, but I have opened a LOT of OT posts because I want to see what people have to say about them. Is this post tractor related?
'Bout every week or two, someone will come up a brillant idea of diphpherent phorums that need to be added and they ophten involve things that are OT. Personally, I think Ms Kim does a wonderphul job with YT and............ anyone is welcome to start their OWN phorum, instead of trying to tell her how to run this'un.
Don't need a new one.

Tractor Tales
An area for for people who share an interest in old tractors to have casual conversation, tractor related or not.
I think the only real way to stop people from fighting is the close the forum altogether. Some people are going to argue no matter what. I suggested once that they have an "Off Topic Forum" and was told it was tried a couple of years ago but had to close it because of the hot heads.
Does anyone remember the politics forum on this site a few years ago? The people who wanted to argue about political stuff were directed there. It got nasty. Lots of name calling, and even threats. Someone even tried to track down rivals by tracking down the posters' computer IP addresses. It really brought out the worst in people. I hate to say, but I found it kinda entertaining. Better than pro wrestling. The forum got closed down, and the ranters were directed to another site to continue their debating.

I feel that Kim does a great job moderating this site to keep the atmosphere helpful and friendly. I don't know Kim but I appreciate all that she does.

Yes, there are a few people who occasionally post on YT in an ugly manner and use name calling and other offensive communication, but fortunately these are the rare exception and not the rule. By and large, this site brings together a lot of amazing folks.
With all due respact to the guys over there,I like them all and have a great time over there,but being an "outsider" over there'll get you in trouble in a hurry too. There was a huge blowup over there just recently over oldtimers feeling like they were being pushed out.
Go on over there,have a good time,but don't over do it and don't overstay your welcome.
Me too. If you want to know something about a specific brand,there's a forum for that. I believe somewhere on here the Tractor Talk Forum says "everything else". As long as it doesn't degrade to the nightmare that the old Politics and OT Forum was,it's great.
The general tractor page has the most traffic, so people tend to head their for their discussions. You add a music page, and then 10 people only visit it, and no one will bother hanging out there. Folks hang out here.

Lot of us end up coming around to a page like this after work, after some frustraion, and have a shorter fuze than we should. Come here to relax, and find some political or off-topic thing that just pushes us over the edge.

Not the original poster's fault, and perhaps no the person visiting's fault - just kinda how human nature is.

In a way sometimes the 'pray for this problem' threads kinda bring me down - I don't come here to see the world's problems - I come here to escape from mine.

But - that is cold & heartltess of me. The folk around here, if thy are asking for prayers, are reaching out, and sharing their life with me, and I sure shouldn't have such a bad attitude about that! Bad of me.

It's a tough balance, to keep this web site on topic to keep it interesting for tractor & machinery nuts. And to keep it human and interesting and colorful enough to be good people caring about the world.

And so on and so forth. People have good days and bad days, and a lot of times on a bad day we come hang out on a web site we enjoy - but we got the baggage coming with us, and a short fuze.

Poof! we go......

i simply look at it this way those who want to b!t!h have to much time on their hands. those same people usually want to run things but when it comes to actually doing things forget it. still just like it was when we were all still in school. Ones who yelled the loudest did the least. life to short, if you are lucky enough to have your health,THAN QUIT YOUR COMPLAINING OR B!T!H thats how I look at it,but thats just me. Happy Gooble Gooble everyone!!
OT forums just don't seem to work that well. They had an OT forum a few years ago but it eventually got out of hand. There were some reasonable discussions but it was nuts when it came to relegion or politics. A music forum would be so uninhabited compared to the other forums it would just be another forum for the trouble makers to ruin. It'd be up for a few months and be gone. I think it's also getting too close to winter and people are getting their nnalert in a knot earlier then normal.
Everyone in general in this world is wound up too tight these days ! No sense of humor anymore. Everyone needs to just take a chill pill.

There still are many many good people on here and I have met a few from buying and selling things on here.

You still have to be weary of the occasional "snake in the grass"
this forum for all it's faults is still the first one I look at every day much to be learned and much entertainment if you keep it all in perspective. kj@work
Another problem with the old political phorum, according to Chris, was that it attracted political types that had absolutely no interest in tractors or pharming. Yesterday's Tractors was becoming known as a political website. That, according to Chris, was the main reason they shut it down.
Buzzman72. Your memory is better than mine. I have been here more than one year, and less than ten years. Stan
As Lydgate and Pres. Lincoln once said . .

“You can please some of the people all of the time, you can please all of the people some of the time, but you can’t please all of the people all of the time”.

As to these posts? Pretty easy NOT to read when not interested. Making a separate link for "music" only in the "tractor talk" area seems silly. Some jerk might ruin it by talking about those darn old tractors there.

On the other hand - I DO vote "yes" for idiots who's sole purpose in life is to make trouble for others. We need a link they can click on that will make their computers explode.
I enjoy this forum just the way it is.. Some of the "special flavors and spices" that some members contribute may be a little off topic to a tractor forum, but, many of us truely ENJOY them.....

With current fuel prices, forums like YT can be the modern day substitute for the olde tyme coffee shoppe....

When you walked in, you socialized with old and new friends. If you didn't care to be around someone at a table, you wouldn't sit at that table.

But, some pushy buzzards would butt into a conversation and nagg about everything..
Don't say anything to them, and hopefully they will fly away.
My momma always told us kids, if we don't have something nice to say, DON'T SAY IT! Perhaps that would be nice way for all of us to improve our People Skills.

I thought this sight was set up for us to help each other fix old tractors and I have gotten some helpful tips. I think for some, this place has turned into their personal social network.(OT:)

When I see a post with OT: I usually don't open it.

I will agree, there are some people who post mean comments. I suppose it their kids came home from school and said another student said something mean to them, that parent would be mad, call it bullying, and expect the school to do something about it.

Perhaps we should ALL just follow the GOLDEN RULE. Have a nice day, be helpful and a nice Thanksgiving:)

I for one do appreciate all of those who posted with replys. As for my opinion(what ever it's worth,)the problem can be omited by folks being TOLORANT OF ONE ANOTHER. Posting any sublect that means no harm should be welcomed much like a family who shares their feelings around the table at meal time.It is also like the saying"if you don't have anything nice to say about a person, then DON't say any thing at all"!I've seen "SPIRITED DISCUSSIONS here on Y.t and when it gets beyond Spirited discussions to UGLY,then the part of the ugly portion gets removed and the rest of the post that has sincere and good points gets left so others can take with them needed advice and help with happyness in tow.The way life should be.JMHO. Have a great turkey day everyone. May God Bless. LOU.
"A link to click on that will make their computer explode."

Ha, Ha, Ha......ROFLMAO??

I find it interesting how some of our tractor people have other interests and talents.
I love the homemade music videos and the wonderfull scenic photos some of our posters are noted for.
Maybe a tractor site is for tractor related discussion only.....I think getting to know the tractor guy is important too!
Some people may just be jealous of other people's accomplishments?
I for one of many don't see a problem with OT subjects in TT because it does give a chance to meet real people the has much more knowledge other than tractors.

No I don't own a big tractor, but I do have an IH made Red Cub cadet 782...Lets say I'm here for nostalgic reasons In the past I have farmed with several brands mentioned here... Many of the implements that are also mentioned I have had dealings with except the old ride on sacker type combines that no one here has mentioned .. must been an Eastern machine.

I do greatly appreciate answers that I would not receive on any other forum probably for the lack of readership as we have here on YT .

Some of you folks has even opened your email and even some of those has turned out to be almost like family..if you get emails from me Ya know who ya are.

I may not ask too many tractor related questions , but I assure you mostly I can type something in the search box and find an answer for a neighbor or a friend , and many of you have helped without knowing you did.

My guess is that the majority on here Like a laugh, or some support, whether it be for prayers or just plain advice ranging from neighbors with bad people skills ( Not picking on you Dave ) LOL to fixing Moms washer.

As far as music goes Life itself is built around music.. to prove my point set in a car / truck in town, and turn on the radio, and watch people walking you will find even those with an unusual gate will somehow be in time with the music you are listening to .. may be a whole beat off but in time. or every other beat. and it is an unconscious thing they do without knowing it .
What I can't figure out is why people feel compelled to read and or click on everything they can. With the taste of music on here you should know by now that most will be country/bluegrass or if it isn't what yer into JUST DON"T OPEN IT! I read the subject line and if I know it's something I ain't interested in I ignor it! Simple EH!

2nd just like what I'm posting here, may may not want to hear it but no one made you read it so it's your fault! And if it ain't something you want to hear what makes you so certain I want to hear your reply or will even bother reading it.

Rick. again (for what ever it's worth) I do agree with your post and Roy"s answer. Had a thought about the music post ,as I do get involved in producing one . The basic question remains,How many Music videos appears regularly or daily on Y.t.?I do see a lot of un-related questions concerning tractors with O.T subjects. Just look at todays post from Lighting rods to hay. I've seen post asking questions on guns, lawn mowers ,Oil Viscosity, Computers, wood splitters,Car transmissions,well problems, solar panel questions etc. I personally do NOT FIND THESE SUBJECTS OFFENSIVE although they may be Un- related to tractor problems. I do respect the folks who post honest replies to such posts, and who take the time to relate to such problems with authoritative and documented answers.There just may be a solution to some problem I just might have down the road therefore I would NEVER Suggest that the posters move their questions to another site as the subjects aren't tractor related. That would be presumptuous and extremely rude to even suggest such. That being said O.T sort of post, will MAKE ME FEEL GOOD to read just as the un- related subjects such as music being performed by notable musicians (Me Excluded) and those who wish to share their music with others such as myself is welcomed by me. This O.T.Music subject Is NOT AN EVERY DAY OCCURRENCE but it's welcomed by others who like to listen and it surely gives diversity, such as subjects I mentioned in the above.Thats my final post on this subject except to say TO ALL HAVE A GREAT THANKSGIVING Day, be forever thankful and LOVE your family and friends. REGARDS, LOU.
Has it been decided? Does the miscellaneous forum have to be about tractors only or is anything a go here?

I'm rather new to the site but when I saw the miscellaneous heading, I assumed that one could ask questions about topics other than tractors. I am sure that many of us tractor owners also have concerns about other aspects of making our living or hobby from the land, than just tractors.

From what I've seen the last day or two, it seems its business as usual, anything goes. I feel that should be the case, as miscellaneous to me means other topics of discussion, whether it be prayer, music, balers or buildings.

All topics have importance to different people and advice is always welcome when one is up against a problem. After all what good is advice if you can't share it with someone?

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