Battery FITS !


Well-known Member
Apparantly the plates ground out occassionaly.., Sometimes the battery will be STONE dead , Even after bein run a couple hours earlier,, sulpher smell ,,after a jump start, it will be fine ,, couple days later i cold started like normal, this a.m ,,finished job and shut down , 4 hrs later battery was dead and stinkin of sulphr rotten eggs , I KNOW ! , It is time for a new battery before this one goes KA-BOOM..
you know your own answer before everyone hounds you about the danger involved,,,,next thread we want to hear that you did the smart thing for your own safety,,,,,just another friendly tractor
What do you do with the battery after you take it out of the tractor?

It's still dangerous. It's still a ticking time bomb.

You can't in good conscience use it for the core return on the new battery. That would be a great headline, "Battery Explodes in Machinery Dealer Showroom, Injures Several."

You can't leave it laying around home. That would be a great headline too, "Battery Explodes on Farm, Injures Several."

It could take months for the battery to go dead on its own. Until it's dead, it's a threat, and there's no way to run it down without potentially blowing it up.
I would set it on the ground away from all but
gravel or bare earth, then hook jumper cables to it
and then hook the jumper cables to a headlight from
a car. Then walk away and leave it for several days
until stone dead. even if one cell was shorted, the
remainder would eventually discharge through it and
be pretty harmless. I think this tactic would be
reasonable and prudent. Jim

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