
Well-known Member
I drive in the yard after coming from the shop, I see the wife and the cubs out on the deck, the two dogs going nuts. here there is a cow moose not more then 50 fett from the house. Of coarse I left the camera up at the shop :x
HP has it right....that weren't no wood shed you built, it's a moose house. Just be careful if two of those critters show up. Then ya won't know what to call'em. Mooses? Meeces?
(quoted from post at 02:13:25 10/19/11) HP has it right....that weren't no wood shed you built, it's a moose house. Just be careful if two of those critters show up. Then ya won't know what to call'em. Mooses? Meeces?
have another house for that moose, its called a deep freeze. LOL
Too bad, wood of liked to of seen a picture of your wife and kids. don't care bout the dogs, seen one dog you"v seen them all.
According to the Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary the term is 'mooses', or that is what Arlo Guthrie said when he read his immortal poem "Mooses Come Walking" on the radio some years ago.
See? You thought the calf you had way back left home and never would come back. So she found you once agian! She probably thinks your kids are your sisters. Cause mooses know humans grow slower than they do. So? Where did you put the kiddie pool? Incase she needs to soak her feet? And the goat? where's the goat? You need a new goat. Always so much more work when relatives come to visit...
Hey Lyle; These photos came from a photo shoot in upper michigan near Wisconsin.Have you ever seen critters such as these in your part of the world? JH

(quoted from post at 05:56:04 10/19/11) Hey Lyle; These photos came from a photo shoot in upper michigan near Wisconsin.Have you ever seen critters such as these in your part of the world? JH

ey john, thats a pretty cool pic. I have never seen any white ones up here, thanx for showing me that :D
LOL I saw my fisrt moose in the wild a few years ago. A cow and calf at about 75 yards and learned how big those things really are. The cow walked OVER a 4 strand barbed wire fence!

(quoted from post at 14:47:39 10/19/11) LOL I saw my fisrt moose in the wild a few years ago. A cow and calf at about 75 yards and learned how big those things really are. The cow walked OVER a 4 strand barbed wire fence!

few years ago we could not get in the house, there was a cow and calf bedded down right at the step of the house, it was in the winter and I think they go a little crazy then. They wernt even scared of the dog.

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