
After a family Pow-Wow we decided it as time for me to go to a Nursing home. w=Wife has been here six years. I had been living with my son. I could watch the Gurnsey's go to graze on the irrigated pasture. Son would prepare Supper and I would raid the refrig the rest of the day. Son and I alway visit about mating of the cattle.
I could run down parts on the computer. The worry was I would fall and could not get up.
Investigated the call button but seemed useless in my case. Had my two cow dogs for security.Not trained guard dogs but were bred by me for six generation and were what I wanted and I guarntee you if I said "getting em" that was all it would take. So here I am sharing the same room with my wife of 60 yrs. got a lot of supid rules set by the dear old goverment. Like you can't set the brakes on a wheel chair, cause that is restraing a person, Can not give you your pain medication on a regular schedule, have to ask for them and the give a rating of pain from 1 to 10. "Damn it I hurt" will not work. Food is excellent. I had to touble shoot my electric wheel chair on the inter net. so I still feel useful. Mom had a problem so she was off to the hospital. Pottasium was out of whack.
She has NPH and has a shunt in her brain. She has been one tough lady. So fellows life goes on.
My wife is very happy we are together.
Things change, but life goes on. Sounds like you have a handle on it, and it's probably better for your wife. Best wishes.........
I have to give you a lot of credit to have such a positive attitude in your situation, but that's probably what got you this far. At least you can be together and you can harass the rest of us on YT. Best wishes and prayers.
Gitrib, I hope the best for you, sounds to me your doing the right thing, you must be up there close to 90 for sure,

I would come visit you, but you could be a long jont away, Blessing to you,
Hope you have a laptop or access to a computer I enjoy all of your posts. And sounds like you'll be fine there, just think now you have a chance to make many more friends just like you have here. Good Luck
Sounds like you have positive attatude as long as you have computer and can use it you won't be out of touch. Enjoy life as it is . Good luck on your new adventure. You are lucky I have an aunt that is 99 she is in a nursing home as far as her health is fine but she doesn't know any of her family except youngest sister and she is 87.
Good to hear from you Graydon.

Glad that you like the food and get to share your meals with the one you love.

Nice to know that Marg is happy that both of you are together again; being with the one you love is priceless.

Hope all goes well with Marg.

Please keep the photos and music coming.
Can/'t believe what I am reading. You know best what you can and cannot do. Keep that computer running. God bless you and your wife. Hope you are happy being together long as possible. Dave
From what I am told they are having a rough time looking for me. Plans are for them to come and visit. gitrib
Son was able to install all of my computer equipment. was able to get ATT newest fastest hook up/ So I am set with that. My electric wheel chair quit on me and dealer would not come to fix it so, I went on the net and company had info on trouble shooting, I sent Yhe link to son who had the chair snd sent him a text message that he had a e-mail, he checked out and I have it back & running.
Dealer wouldn"t come fix it? Let us know who that is so we can see he never gets any business again!
Good luck in your new home! Enjoy the good parts to their fullest and just shake your head & smile at the dumb things.
I think you made the right decision. We will all face that decision sometime in our life. I hope I have the same positive attitude as you do when my time comes. Being of German and Norwegin heritage I hope the Norwegin side of my family takes control, because I can be very stubborn at times. Enjoy your new surroundings with your wife. Stan
And you think that Norwegians are not stubborn??? I wish we were less so, and I have worked on it.

Seriously old age is not an easy thing to deal with. My Mom is 95 and pretty healthy physically, but her mind has been going downhill for about the last 10 years. At her request, we moved her to assisted living about a year and a half ago. But 2 months ago, she had to be moved to the Dementia/Alzheimer's unit. The problem with her staying in Assisted Living is that she had begun to wander, and would go outside and just keep walking. Then she would not remember how to get back. That really worried the assisted living people, as they could not guarantee my Mom's safety any more.

Mom is not pleased with the move, as now she cannot leave the unit, at least alone. She also functions much better than most of the people that live in the Dementia unit. At least now Mom is safe. I wish she was also happy.

It is also very costly, almost twice as much as the assisted living cost. I am so glad that we invested in long term care insurance years ago, which pays over half of the nursing home cost. And Mom's pensions will more than cover the rest of her living expenses.

My Mom has an older brother, who is 97. He lives in an assisted living facility in Montana. Uncle Bob is totally lucid and has a great memory, but complains that he has very little energy. His wife died about 5 years ago of complications from dementia, and all of his long term friends have passed. He says it is kind of lonesome, although I know his sons visit Bob often and live fairly close.

I try to visit my Mom several times a week. It seemed odd at first to function as her guardian rather than her child, but that is the way it is. I am happy to still have my Mom, but she sure isn't the same person as she was when she was younger.

I hope I don't live longer than I am able to take care of myself...because doing so is a real bummer.
Hal. I am using my Mother as the Norwegian side of my family. I could talk her into about anything. Now my Dad being the Greman side of my family. Just about everything was no. Probably kept me out of a lot of trouble. Stan
Wow! You sure are "with it" for a guy in a nursing home!
I hope I am still able to use the computer when I get there!
I like your attitude and I think that"s what keeps you going.
Hang in there!
We'll still come to visit you through our computers like we always have. Hope you will be able to quickly adjust to your new home. Take care. Jim
If and when my time should come I wish it to be as gracefully as you have done. It is hard to give up a lot of things on the outside, but now you and your wife shall be together.

Just maybe the dogs will somehow find a place still as "therapeutic" animals as some homes allow for all to enjoy.

Keep in touch, we will be looking for your posts.
We struggled with grandfather going into a nursing home.

Once he was there, he had made a lot of friends to chat with. Beat having him sit alone in his house all day with the curtains shut.

My father and I would pick him up and drive him out to his childhood farm and to our deer hunting spots. He had a great time doing that.

Have your son take you for a spin around the alfalfa fields that you post pictures of.

Lokks like you've made some good sound/safe life descisions. Hard ones but probably the best nevertheless. Them dogs are a part of it and hopes are your son makes sure they are cared for AND that they visit you and your wife. I'm sure you are permitted to leave with your son and visit the farm occasionally. Any I've dealt with will allow this. Keep us imformed of your wife's condition and how you and your dogs are doing. Take care. RB

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