Garden Pictures


I figured if I was going to take a picture of it I had better hurry because it's about to get ugly from blights, bugs, birds, and bad raccoons.


Too bad the corn smells better than the marshmallows.


Today I bought something called Bird-X Irri-tape to hang over the corn. It's like a shiny party streamer with holograms on it that's supposed to keep the birds away. Has anyone tried it? Hopefully it works better than every other gimmic I've tried. If it scares one single bird away it will have made that goal.

Oh, and I forgot to put a tractor in the picture, but there is a tractor tire in there so that should count for something, right?
I have one of those "Have a Heart" traps set in my garden. I need to catch a groundhog eating my bean vines. Your garden looks nice. Hal
Tried mulching with lawn clippings one year. If I could have sold slugs by the pound, I'd have been rich!

And mulch keeps the ground cooler- about the last thing we need around here! We're hoping for our 2nd 80 degree day of the summer this Sunday. Has felt like April around here most of the summer.
Garden looks good. I get my rows too close together and it looks like a jungle. I have squash all through my corn and my tomatoes are four-foot tall and taller on the trellis. I'll finish picking my beans tomorrow and then rototill the patch and plant pickles and peas, maybe some baby limas. I need to spend a serious day weeding, but it's been so hot it's hard enough to pick.


Nice looking garden. Is that straw your using for mulch? Mine was looking good about a three weeks ago but it's been so hot we can't get out there.Not to mention the heart attack and stint.
Nice looking garden. You're traps in better shape than mine, had a coon last weekend must of wanted out bad, there was a hole in the bottom 4 of those wire squares wide and 11 long and had the wire ends pulled up in the cage and bent over, even ripped the trigger out.
Very nice garden!
Have you tried the 8 track tape trick to scare the birds away? I pick up old 8 track tapes at garage sales etc. now and then for less than a quarter each. Pop them open and cut off some of the tape. Dark on one side, shiny on the other. Tie it over the garden to some stakes with a few twists in the tape, the wind does the rest. Works great for me, and realy cheap. Once the tape breaks, I just cut more and put back up. Every tried it before?
> Tried mulching with lawn clippings one year. If I could have sold slugs by the pound, I'd have been rich!

That's not the first time I've heard this from someone. I guess I'm just very lucky. We've never had a single slug or a snail in this garden. I'm not sure why, because I know they're a problem for other gardeners in my area.

The main reason I use the lawn clippings are to fight off fungus. Septoria blight is what kills my tomatoes and potatoes prematurely every year. It doesn't hurt them so bad that they don't produce, but man, things sure do get ugly in August. The grass clippings keep the rain from throwing dirt on the leaves and that's the best defense against it that I've found.
> Is that straw your using for mulch?

Nope, it's grass clippings. After I put my bull out I take every bit of grass clippings from my lawn and mulch the garden with 'em. The bull gets to eat them during June. As you can deduce by the dirt-colored mulch, I could probably justify mowing my lawn with the discbine right about now :)

I do use straw for planting the potatoes though, but you can't see it because I buried the strawpile lines they're planted in when I hilled them.

Oh, and take care of that ticker, it's awful hard to find replacement parts.
> I pick up old 8 track tapes at garage sales etc. now and then for less than a quarter each.

Dang it! I never thought of that. Well, I already have 25' of this fancy store-bought tape, but I'll have to tell my wife to add 8-tracks to her garage sale shopping list. Reminds me of an old saying ... something about fools and money.
> I need to catch a groundhog eating my bean vines.

Sure it's a groundhog and not a bunny? It's probably hard to bait either one of those devils into the live trap though.

At least these dirty raccoons have a sweet tooth. I can catch them when they're after my poultry or feeding at my corn crib, but I haven't caught one in the sweet corn yet. I still put the trap out there every year for some reason.
Hang the old cd's over it, they emit lots of colours.saw them hanging on fruit trees.

How do you explain to the animals there is better tasting food in the trap than in the rest of the garden.

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