Modern or Classic?

farmer boy

Well-known Member
dave2's comment in his post about the knotter video, got me wondering which do you use and why. I use classic, can't stand the way modern moves around the order of the posts depending on when they were last replied to. Also don't like multiple pages on a long post.
I use both but mostly classic. I will skip to modern if I am looking at a long topic and want to see if any more replies have been added since I last checked, for instance.
I like the classic view myself. Been using it since I found this site years ago. I just like the way it looks and I can see who has replied to a post before I join in.
Depends. If I've been away for a day, use "Modern" to get caught up. Once you're current, I use "Classic" and "Today's Posts". The problem with "Classic" (if you're not using "Today's Posts", is that you wade thru the same posts you waded thru all week.

With Modern, every time someting is added to a post, it brings it back to the top, making it easy to know when you're "caught up".
Unfortunately with "Modern", your e-mail info gets left off, and you can't tell who's post is in reply to what post.
(quoted from post at 03:03:42 07/17/11) Classic.
Worst thing to ever happen to these boards was when they added modern.
havent tried classic view, But what is so bad about modernview?
I switched to modern a while ago- took quite a bit of getting used to but now I like it and haven't used classic in a long time.

It's easier to follow when posts are replied to instead of searching through 4 boards to find all the subjects you want to follow.

Donovan from Wisconsin
I use classic. Tried modern, didn't see any point in adjusting to it. It's kind of like backhoe controls I guess. If your used to wobble sticks you want to stick with wobble sticks. If you like Case controls you want to stick with Case controls. Prefer Ford 4 lever, you stay with that. To each his own.
I use modern..... I took a couple bumps on the melon over the years and my short term memory ain't the best so modern view helps me. Also like the search option in modern view. Fill out your profile in modern view and folks can email you and see your website (if you have one) with a quick click without you having to "open" your email by typing it every time.
You have to login to post in modern view so whatever you post has your handle on it. If superdave, joey, and a few of the other anonymous ignoramous' would use modern view, you'd know who they were without going to classic to compare IP's.
Don't like modern view because it's hard to tell who some folks are replying to as they hijack threads and turn them into personal conversations/bashing. Find myself getting google-eyed using classic tho.

Classic,cause that's the way it is stored in my favorites
Actually the whole layout of this site sucs big time if compared to sites such as " diesel page"
wich are far easier to navigate and post on.
When some one posts on a old tread it right away bumps to the front again.
(quoted from post at 21:17:01 07/16/11) Classic,cause that's the way it is stored in my favorites
Actually the whole layout of this site sucs big time if compared to sites such as " diesel page"
wich are far easier to navigate and post on.
When some one posts on a old tread it right away bumps to the front again.

Well then, delete it, open up in modern view, and resave... modernview does just what you want.... Feeling better about farming today???
I only view this site through the modern version. For me, it is much easier on the eyes, and doesn't make it look so generic.
I use the Classic 99% of the time. I sometimes use modern to search for things and the search works better in modern view. I see that some like how the Modern view changes the order when something new has been posted. I HATE THAT ABOUT IT!!!! My mind can and does remember things in order. When the order changes then I remember less.
I also like how the threads are shown much better in the classic view. You can reply to some one in the middle of a thread and see it as such. The modern view is harder for me to keep track of things in it.

Like some other have posted I don"t think I would spend as much time on this site if it was modern only. There are several other sites that are about things I am or do. They are like the modern version on here. I don"t spend much time on them because of that.

I started out on computers almost twenty years ago on DOS based systems. I have trouble with the newer GUI type of sites/systems. The classic view is closer to the old systems. So it seems easier to me. This difference is one reason I hate MACs they are visual designed. My mind does not work well on that type of system. I learned and loved DOS. It is faster IF you know the commands.
(quoted from post at 02:35:33 07/17/11) dave2's comment in his post about the knotter video, got me wondering which do you use and why. I use classic, can't stand the way modern moves around the order of the posts depending on when they were last replied to. Also don't like multiple pages on a long post.

Modern all the way!!!!!!!!!!! If it goes I go!!!!!!!
I use classic almost exclusively. The last time this question came up, the responses were heavily in favor of classic. This time they seem to be more evenly split.

Modern view. I like the way the replied post roll to the top of the page. That reminds of cream on whole milk because the cream rises to the top. Plus if someone put their location in their profile one can see where they live.

Modern view only. Lots more options available, you don't need to type in your email address everytime you post because it is done automatically. Every other discussion forum anywhere on the internet uses some form of the php format so you may as well learn how it works and how to use it and then you won't be left in the dark when the classic version is removed due the difficulty of maintaining it.
(quoted from post at 18:35:33 07/16/11) dave2's comment in his post about the knotter video, got me wondering which do you use and why. I use classic, can't stand the way modern moves around the order of the posts depending on when they were last replied to. Also don't like multiple pages on a long post.

If they weren't trying to combine the modern and the classic, and went with the modern version only, the replies would stay in order and wouldn't continously get broken up like they do now.
(quoted from post at 13:38:35 07/17/11) If they weren't trying to combine the modern and the classic, and went with the modern version only, the replies would stay in order and wouldn't continously get broken up like they do now.

I wholeheartedly agree.
Keeping the Classic view on here handicaps the Modern View to a certain extent.
I had never even SEEN classic until I joined this board. Every other forum I belong to is set up in the modern format. Classic makes no sense to me whatsoever.

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