OT: HVDC powerline..rant


Well-known Member
I got one of these annoying lines across my land.
Brushclearing crews come unannounced to clear brush around this line in the winter, making a mess by leaving sticks a foot or more high cause of the snow and leaving pasture gates badly tied or open,going even so far as to cut wires at the gate posts cause its locked with a padlock on the other end and they're to lazy to come and get the keys.This happens every time a crew comes trough.
I contacted the person in charge to clean up the mess and fix the gates but been given the runaround time and again.
I'm hopping mad.
I'm tempting to cut these power poles off at the ground and drag the whole shebang off my land.

End rant.
Going through the same thing, they taught me to put a chain and lock on the hinge side too. Hear over and over that they're going to fix everything but they never fix anything.
I have a small claims coming up next week, I'm going to do them a little at a time.
My SOBs are East KY Power COOP, who are yours?
Got them too. Best thing, once they are done, you finish the job, properly. Keep your animals under the wire, keeping it grazed down. If they come by, and see it is cleared low and wide from the wires, they won't even bother to open the gate. Last year I made the mistake of *itchin' that some branches were so close to the wires it attracts voltage like lightening. The company 'arborist' agreed, came on and spent all day cutting. In a bucket truck that weighed about 20 tons. Took dozens of loader buckets to fill the tire tracks it made. I won't open my yap again...
Atco(Alberta power)
I told them no clearing in the winter and come to the house for the keys.

I think i'm gonna fence with drill stem straight across the gates.
See how that works for them A-holes.
Take some cement barriers and put them across the gate. Something you can move with a loader if you wish but they cant by hand. :)
Usta have 3 farms rented that had 2 TVA lines crossing 'em. They had the big, 'erector set' metal poles. Just happened to be checking crops and saw where a couple of trucks and a tractor had driven through waist-high soybeans to get to the right-of-way. They could've driven around the edges of the fields causing only minor damage. WALKED down there and asked who was the boss. It was a contractor who'd been hired to spray/mow/clean up the r-o-w. He had an ATTITUDE and informed me that the r-o-w essentially belonged to TVA and there wasn't a damned thing I could do about it. I managed to keep my cool and told him that I understood. I also told him that I didn't know how he was gonna get his equipment out; that I was calling the sheriff's department to send a deputy and if he left the r-o-w, his equipment was being impounded and he was being arrested for criminal trespass. He walked off, but came back in a couple of minutes with a totally different attitude; he'd realized that one end of the r-o-w crossed a creek and the other end had a big drainage ditch on it.......which would've required a dozer to cross. I have no idea where I stood legally, but he bought it; the crops he'd ridden down weren't worth the effort of pursuing money for damages.
I have been farming these farms for over 40 years, We have Kentucky Utilities, Bluegrass energy, and a Marathon pipe line. None have caused any trouble at all, lucky I guess. I do know you can't keep them out, and if an emergency they do not need to notify you in advance. Just trying to get along.
Extra heavy duty pipe gates with log chains on both ends that are too big to cut with bolt cutters. I also put up a sign with my phone # to call and get code to combination lock, after I get their names and request they not let the livestock out. Gets their attention and so far no more problems.
The way it works around here is landowner puts up gate. utility puts their lock and chain on it. Landowner and or abuttors cut chain and put in their locks. Maybe half a dozen locks, everybody is happy.
i gota admit here we have cl and p for powerline on the right of way crossing our land and they are usualy pretty accomodating, when they built a gravel access road a couple years ago they worked with us on where we wanted it to least minimize our inconvenience. they put it nicely along some areas that were outa the way and wet anyhow, and a hillside too steep to mow easily. it now is a great access road we use to get to our back section of the sugarbush and also our firewood and other piles

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