ROPS canopies


Well-known Member
Do the canopies that bolt to ROPS bars *really* serve any useful purpose?

Supposedly they provide shade... Unless the sun is directly overhead, the shade they cast is somewhere around the tractor, not on the operator platform.

Supposedly they provide some protection from the elements... Unless the rain is fairly light and coming straight down, you're going to get wet.
I like them alot better than a cab w/out air in the summer, I think they work pretty good keeping you out of direct sun.
Depends on the size. They vary from the size of a Texas hat. Up to almost the width of the tractor and extend from drawbar to ahead of the steering wheel.
Height above the operator's head make a difference too.
Are you looking for agreement to not purchase a canopy? Or a reason to purchase a heated and cooled cab instead?
If the roof isn't too high above your head
it does a fairly good job of shading you. It
even seems to create a wind tunnel. If it's
on an old tractor with a lot of gear noise
it acts like a sounding board that amplifies
the noise. Seems like the noise comes
straight out of the uprights and into your
ears. Jim
My #1 "hayin' tractor", a 1981 Deere 2640, has the "SoundGaurd" style canopy. It's fiberglass on top with a well padded headliner. That kills noise better than the steel canopy I had on my MF150 for a time.

As far as shade goes...It's 96 here right now, bright hot sun, and no breeze. While ago I moved a couple wagons out to a hay field with the MF150 (no canopy now) and then took the 2640 and moco back home. It LITERALLY felt 20 degrees cooler under that canopy.

I generally don't do a lot of haying in the rain, nor do I do anything that isn't required in the rain. So that's a minor consideration at best. That's (one of the reasons) why they make fully enclosed cabs.

When I first bought that 2640 (used) I had plans to put the canopy in the shed and do without it. All it took was one hot day cultivating sweet corn to convince me it needed to stay right where it was at.

Yes, METAL canopies are noisy.
Steel canopy on my 4610 Ford has saved my head (life??) more than one time when working in the woods....and does a pretty good job of shade when I'm out in the open.

Failed to mention....A friend who was complaining that the noise concentrated under his rops canopy was actually the result of vibration being transmitted through the rops "legs". He found a couple pre-drilled holes in each leg and shot them full of spray insulation foam. Then he epoxied a sheet of styrofoam insulation to the under side of the canopy roof. He said that scrubbed off roughly 30 to 40% of the noise.
My NH TT75A came with a canopy. I wouldn't have bought it that way if I had the choice, but I got to admit that it does provide a lot more shade that I would have guessed...
I have one with a cab and one with a canopy. I believe that my upper body at least is shaded pretty much all of the time by the canopy. I don't find it noisy and it also shields me fairly well from both snow and rain. Last night on the news there was a piece about how many people are dying from skin cancer. So if you have neither a cab or canopy be sure to use sunscreen even if it is overcast.
When I bought my 4020 it had an OEM roll bar and canopy. I took it for a ride out across the farm on a cool day. It was so cold and noisy under there that I took it off and sold it.
Later when I got a 2520, narrowed it up for 30" rows, and was using it to mow along a ditch bank, I scared myself. I bought a new roll bar (subsidized) for it. I took a hardwood 1x6 and with some ripping, sawing, and shaping made a frame that bolts at the top of the roll bar. Wife made a cover from $6 worth of yellow duck cloth from the fabric store. It's shady, cool, and quiet. And installable or removable in minutes.
ROPS and FOPS (canopy). Falling Object Protection Structure. Intention is to keep squirrels and birds from dropping stuff on you.
I second the sun protection warning- I'm going "under the knife" tomorrow for skin cancer on my ear- hoping to have most of the ear left at the end, but we'll see. Always wear a straw hat in sun, etc.- but this is all from my youth, when we put in many hours on tractors in the sun. "Fair-haired Farmboy Syndrom."
I put a Perry FOPS canopy on my Ford 4610 and it"s has a sound absorbent panel on the underside. It"s cooler in the summer heat and gives some protection from rain.
Greatest thing since sliced bread. When it's 90
degrees and direct sun, ted, rake & bale under the
canopy - it's like working in the shade. Saves a lot
of wear and tear on the water jug.
We sell one made right here in Tennessee and I allways think since ever year more cabs are sold that canopies will slow down. This time of the year with hay and 96 deg days can,t keep enough canopies. Get one with sound lining underneath.
Shade makes a difrence in the hurt you put on your body.
I'd rather cut hay with our 1855 w/ canopy than our 285 without. The ROPS and canopy are off a 2-85 White, but it was worth it to me. I ALWAYS wear hearing protection while on the tractors, so the extra noise isn't much of an issue.

Donovan from Wisconsin
The sun actually has to be pretty low on the horizon for the canopy to not provide shade. I broke down and got my first one 7-8 years ago. Haven't gotten a tractor without one since. Its just like being under a shade tree, drops maybe 20 degrees off the feel temp. Also, drastically cuts sun exposure. I wish I'd had one 20 years ago, might not have all these crows feet.

Rain-wise, I cant tell much difference. Thats where I use my cab tractor, for rain and cold. For heat though the canopy is the stuff. I wish I could figure out how to put one on my low profile tractors.

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