hey troy boyd

You asked the poor fella "are you farming, working, or from Nova Scotia?' Wow. I heard lots of newfie jokes, but this sounds like another kinda maritime joke. Never heard a Nova Scotia joke before.....
Hi Lyle, I teach school here and work in the oil patch on time off, then go back to my home in Nova Scotia during the summer, where I have a little farm (40ac). It's not much of a farm, but it is beautiful. Nice trees, about 25ac of hay, 2500 feet or so along a crystal clear river, with crown land on the other side of the river. I'm working hard at getting it ready for retirement. I'll grow veggies, and berries, and I'll have lots of flowering trees. There are quite a few apple trees now, but they're not really good apples. I just like the blossoms in the spring. I have a Massey 1080 and a Bobcat on the "farm", and a Ford 5000 out here in Fort St. John.



For those reading along, Fort St. John is on the Alaska Highway in Northern British Columbia. Almost the opposite side of Canada from where my "farm" is. And, yes, that 5000 is going to go across the country with me one day. I still have 9 years before retirement though. And lots to do...

The reason for going to Nova Scotia is that I am from there, born and raised. My family has lived in the same area of Nova Scotia since 1590. I have roots there...

I do love it out here in the Northwest though. Freedom and opportunity abound out here on the Frontier. I've seen and done things that most Blunosers have not.

Bye for now,

I went to University in Wolfville, but I don't recall hearing the name Messom before.

I tried the PM function for my original reply to this thread, but it doesn't seem to work. Hmm...

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