Way OT medical procedures Wow


Well-known Member
I had a heart attack 2 1/2 yrs ago. ended up with a couple of stints being put in. Well last week had some chest discomfort so went to the doctor on monday of this week. They found some blockage again. Tuesday morning at 5:30 they went in and put another stint on other side of heart in. Did not even have to stay overnight in hospital today is friday and I went with the 1650 oliver and cut about 15 acres of hay plan on round baling it sunday or monday I feel really good again Life is good
I work with a fella whose adult son had a brain annurism a couple or few weeks ago. He told me yesterday that his son is doing much better. Up and around, basically regained most of his motor skills, and biggest problem is that hasn't regained all of his periphoral vision yet. Said had to put stints of some sort through his skull to relieve pressure by draining the blood. OK, I understand that. But here's one that I didn't know or would have ever guessed. The blood that doesn't get removed coagulates, hardens, and sounds like basically forms a scab that the body absorbs a little at a time over time. As that happens, it relieves even more pressure on the parts of the brain that it had been pushing against, and as that happens, stuff, motor skills or whatever that had been problematic actually start to come back. To me, that's pretty cool. Science and medicine are far from perfect, but they certainly have come a long way, and maybe, just maybe why our life's expectation is beyond the age of 16. To hear my coworker tell it, the day his son went down was both his worst and luckiest day at the same time, because as it turned out, the hospitol that he was taken to happened to be nearby somewhere to him in DuPage County, IL, and as it turns out is one of the who's who of treating this in the world, he said.

Congratulations Ron, and much good and healthy luck with many, many years of enjoyment.


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