Memorial Day vent......


Well-known Member
Good Morning folks,
Hope you all enjoy your day however you decide to spend it. Working today and when I came in to relieve the shift before me, I asked the usual "anything to follow up?" and got my brief. Last thing the guy says is "nobody comin' in today, some kinda flippin' holiday" . Bit my tongue and sent him home, then made my rounds, first thing I see is the wrong flag on the pole and all the way at the top of the pole. Guess it's a good thing noone was around to hear me.......
We live and work in a Military Community, are all ex soldiers (some retired Military) and are in a position that we have to know everything that is going on in the community and are the first ones that are called when there are problems or questions.

Putting all that aside, it's the fact that he didn't know or care what the holiday is that made me want to kill him......... No death penalty for stupidity though..

Done now.

Have a good day,

What else will really pizzoodle ya off: on Dec. 7th, go around asking people "do you know what today is?" Most don't!
Maybe I am wrong and city hall is right let see what others have to say...

City hall has a Veterans Memorial
3 flag poles
3 flag poles all the same height
3 flag poles all in line

USA flag on the left
State flag in the middle
POW flag far right

My think'n

The center flag pole should be higher then the others and positioned out front of the other 2,,, The USA flag should fly their.

City hall says Nope to honer the USA flag it should be on the left,,, the left is always the side of honer,, its the side your heart is on,,,, Height are position of the flag does not matter...
Besides that it would cost money to change it,, deal with it...

Out of all the memorials around its the only one like this... A MLK memorial was just built,,, by my think'n they got it right their,,, are their other acceptable ways is city hall wrong

Another side of the coin.
I spent 15 years in law-enforcement and now 14 years at the railroad. I have work weekends and holidays all my life. Sorry but after a while you have to let it not bother you anymore. So now Holidays don't mean much.

There's an easy way to determine where the American flag is positioned when flown with other flags in the same line and at the same height.

You have to determine which way the flags are "facing". Once you do that, the American flag is always on the right. The "position of honor" is to the right, not the left.

In your situation if the flags are close to the building the flags could be considered "facing" the street and the American flag would be on the right of all the flags. From the street the flag would then be seen on the left.

All the above is from an the American Legion Flag Etiquette pamphlet I've had for years.

(quoted from post at 07:08:00 05/30/11) All the above is from an the American Legion Flag Etiquette pamphlet I've had for years.


Used to carry them things around with me and hand them out to folks that were a bit off. That was when I had better people skills. Now, I just wanna choke folks.......

I hope no one misunderstood. The "real" Pearl Harbor day was my 7th birthday. I was old enough that I remember it clearly, but too young at the time to realize the real impact.

I've always been something of a history buff. Our daughter got a degree in history before she went on to become a paralegal in the real estate field. Her two big interests in history are the U.S. Civil war, and Nazi Germany. As an exchange student in Germany, she was able to visit many of the significant areas of WWII. Since I've always been interested in both those wars, she and I have many in-depth discussions.

I took a semester of American History in high school, and two semesters in college. I had the same prof for both classes in college, and with him you didn't beat around the bush. Half of the final exam of the second semester consisted of one essay type question: "Write a in-depth, comprehensive overview of the U.S Revolutionary War".

And he didn't want generalities. He wanted names, dates, places, results, etc.

I was frankly appalled a number of years ago when high schools across the country began dropping classes in American History as required classes. How can people appreciate current events if they don't know what went on in the past? Guess they don't. And the sorry part is, our current crop of politicians have learned to feed on that ignorance to their own benefit.

My sermon for the day.
Dave2, this is a tractor forum, and you bring up off topic subjects. I guess that leaves you open to replies. Let me share with you and others the words of Major General Smedley Butler, who at the time of his death with two congressional medals of honor, along with many other medals, was the most decorated Marine ever. "War is just a racket. A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to be to the majority of people. Only a small inside group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few at the expense of the masases."
I bring this up because while we should indeed reflect on the sacrifices of those who were killed and wounded in service of our country, we also should reflect on how those wars started. Nam was going on when I turned eighteen. Fortunately, I ended up with a high lottery number for the draft. I would not have gone. I knew at the time there was something wrong with the whole situation. Years later it comes out that the whole Gulf of Tonkin "incident" was a total lie. There was absolutely no reason for the United States to be involved in Nam. If you doubt this, please spend the time and do a little research. It is easy, search engines will bring up plenty of material that shows the falsehoods that were fed to the American public at the time.
Now we are involved in another war of dubious origins. Iraq. We invaded it years ago now on the premise of "weapons of mass destruction" and so-called involvement in 9/11. George the second, admitted in his book, "Talking Points" that there were no WMDs. It has since come out that the majority of high-jackers of the planes used in 9/11 were Saudi Arabians. Curious indeed!
Dave2, from your posts I assume that you are involved in military bases in Germany. Maybe you know why we have bases in Germany sixty plus years after the end of WW2. Maybe you know why the US has seven hundred (known) bases in the world. Maybe if the US didn't stick it's nose into other peoples business we wouldn't have the troubles we have. maybe we wouldn't have the crushing load of debt, the flight of jobs and business, the terrible unemploynment that plagues our country.
I know I will probably get plenty of flack for writing this, but people need to wake up and quit believing what comes on the one-eyed cyclops.
So you were a coward and a cur when it was your time to serve, now you want to make excuses for your past behavior and hide behind your so called concern for the people serving through our current conflict.

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