Oliver 550 front axle pin


Any suggestions on how to drive out the front axle pivot pin on a Oliver 550? It appears it has to come forward. Kent, I am sure you have done one or two.
The factory pin is threaded, for use of a slide hammer, towards the front of the tractor. I tried heat and all kinds of things but I finally had to remove the front frame and lay it on the floor, a hammer and punch it was out in a couple of minutes. I found a new replacement pin from Maibach in Ohio.
I just thought of another thing to look at. The hole in my axle was worn out enough that I needed to have it bored out and sleeved. The hole in the axle needs to be about 4 degrees down at the back.
I had to cut the pin with a cutoff wheel between the frame and the axle. This allowed me to remove the axle and drive the pieces of the pin out.
Yes, Dabot, I did one & it took pulling from the front & a BFG & a large punch made from a sucker rod & lots of hammering from the rear to get it out. I had the engine out of the frame for access. Be sure & remove the lock bolt that's on the bottom. After going thru all that, if I sell the axle, I cut the pin out with a torch. I'll never try to get the pin out again. HTH, Kent Gordon
Mine came out pretty easily because the pin and axle were badly worn. Ordered a new pin from Agco dealer and had the axle bored and bushing installed. I think hole was a 4+ degree angle. Good Luck

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