2 Bottom plow search update

Again want to reiterate how much appreciated the help and advice on looking at a few 2 bottom plows the other day at auction.

Several very nice people there also extended kindness with good advice. Few more gave idea of what it should go for. Thought their assessments were similar to voices from here. Figured $200-250 was about right. Approximately half of new if all in good condition.

Older very worn unit went for $200, if memory serves. And the Dearborn (red one) 10-1 went for $275. Was tempted to continue bidding on that Dearborn. Everything was nice and tight and only slightly worn. Barely noticeable wear. Someone had taken care of it pretty well.

My main issue is not being 100% sure of what is under my sod on this new farm. Sheer pin equipped is going to be the best way for me to go about purchasing one in the future.

Since I did not get either one, still keep my eye out and search local resources.

Than I ran across this yesterday and just laughed and laughed.

(Not associated with seller in any way, form, or fashion)
Ocala Craigslist ad for tadaaa.... 2 bottom plows

And who said the American way was dead?

Yep, thats them both. Still in original condition from the auction. Just at double the price. Had to laugh.
Wish that person good luck.
Profit is not a dirty word. Don't blame the guy for trying to make a living.

Seriously doubt will get full asking price in this area. Ya never know.
You don't normally see them complete, I spec the red one will fetch his asking price you should have went at least $400 on it, the other close but no cigar. He can part out the worn one and easily get his money back plus some and still have a $200 plow to sell to someone who does not know whats missing. You missed a good opportunity to end your search...

You need to run a field cultivator thru your field first to uncover those hidden obstacles. That may be all you need look for one they don't go cheap either.


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